Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
Major Boards and their Missions
Diaconate Board
The Diaconate of Plymouth Church (the merged Boards of Deacons and Deaconesses) was approved by the Plymouth membership at the Semi-Annual Meeting held on June 25, 1986, and again at the Annual Meeting held on November 6, 1986. All members are now known as “deacons.”
The major duties of the Diaconate are to assist the minister in administering the Sacraments of baptism and communion; to visit the sick, shut-in and bereaved members of the church and community; to assist the minister with spiritual activities of the church; to plan and to provide leadership for Mid-week Services, Annual Lenten Services and Maundy Thursday Services; to conduct orientation classes for new members; and to administer the “Benevolence Program,” which provides assistance to needy individuals and families.
Board of Trustees
Plymouth’s Board of Trustees was established under its June 5, 1882 constitution. The Board of Trustees exercises control over finances and church property. Members of the Board of Trustees are elected for a term of three years and may be elected to a second three-year term.
Board of Christian Education
The Board of Christian Education is responsible for providing spiritual and cultural educational programs for Plymouth Church and the wider community. The Board of Christian Education has sponsored the following programs: Basketball Ministry, Church School, Confirmation Classes, Revival, Vacation Bible School, Sowing New Seeds, Health Ministry, Girl Scouts, Tutorial/Computer Instruction, and Youth Group.
The major goal of Christian Education at Plymouth Church is to provide the tools to live a spiritual life based on a Christian sense of compassion and justice. It directs programs of spiritual growth and trains individuals to enhance spiritual discipline.
The Usher Board
The Usher Board serves under the direction of the Senior Minister and provides the following services: (1) keeper of the door, (2) greeting and seating, (3) comfort adjustment, (4) communication with ministers (especially before and during services), (5) assisting person with disabilities, and (60 conducting fire watch and handling emergencies.
Board of Social Action
The Board of Social Action engages the church and community on issues that are pertinent to one faith journey in regards to justice, advocacy and education.
The Board of Social Action is the policy-making and facilitation body at Plymouth with respect to outreach, service, justice and peace issues, and social justice programs and initiatives. The Board is comprised of members, who represent almost all groups of Plymouth Church, including officers, youth, and active members and leaders of organizations thought the church.